The Back-to-work prayer

Wow, Lord,

I’m a little overwhelmed.

I’m back in the old-but-not-normal grind.
It’s physical work but virtual, too.
I’m having to get up early,
work all day,
and manage to do everything in person and online.

It’s great to wear normal clothes
and see human faces,
even behind masks.

But every day is a new struggle.
Something’s different.
Something’s changed forever.
Something’s harder than before.
So much has changed, sometimes I resent that I can no longer plan or feel secure about my work or my life.

I belong to you.
My work belongs to you.
Why is it so hard for me to be joyful about my situation?
Convict me when I complain about how things used to be.
Remind me that you are a God of transformation
you don’t want anything to stay the same.
Not even me.
Not ever.

When I feel inconvenienced or overlooked,
remind me that I’m here on a global mission,
in your service,
for your glory.

It’s not about me.
And you can handle the change.
You may have even initiated it.
You know that without forcing me,
I won’t ever grow.

Help me to grow at work and help others grow.
Instead of trying to reach my potential,
help me focus on fulfilling my calling from you.

Fill me up with a knowledge and passion for you and your work.
I want your presence to overflow me in the workplace,
in my home,
in my personal study.

There’s something much more critical than earning a paycheck.
May I remember that every day.
Every day is about you and the gospel.

Thank you for the reminder.
I love you.
In Jesus’ name,

“I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power… so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith….and to know this love that surpasses knowledge–that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:7-19

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