A Labor Day prayer, for those of us who labor too much to listen

Dear Lord,

I’m so grateful to sit outside this weekend and marvel at the beauty of your world.
Thank you for this weekend–for the chance to rest and breathe and think.
I labor too much.
My labor keeps me from hearing you speak.

So often, I’m too busy to hear you speak.
I want your wisdom, but I don’t sit down long enough to listen.
I don’t stop the noise and the activity and wait.
I don’t go where I can hear you, some place where the noise is music, and everything reveals your glory.

Speak, Lord.
Speak your love and blessing over me.
Help me hear and remember your promises.
Open my heart to be tender to conviction and correction,
to recognize where I need to change and then to have the courage to do it.

Change me.
Mold me.
Renew me.

I’m leaning into you, Lord.
Speak to me.
Every day that I sit in your presence
is a Sabbath day.
Lord, may I sit and listen every week and every day!

In Jesus’ name,

Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. (Exodus 20:9 )

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