Your questions are an act of faith


Here’s a guest post (combo devotional and prayer!) from my friend Tracey Kelly.

Psalm 62:8 

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. 

I often think that asking God hard questions is an act of unbelief in him. It feels like I don’t trust him if I admit that I don’t understand what he’s doing. But questions and trust are not opposites. I can be confused and trust him at the same time. I can bear heavy feelings, admit my doubt and fear, and still know that he is good.

Bringing the ugly stuff to God is a bold act of faith. Our relationship is so authentic that it can carry the weight of hard things. If I didn’t go to God with the really hard stuff, what does that say about my relationship with him? 

It matters who I run to when life is dark. It matters where I hide and where I look for light. My direction reveals the authority is in my life. What if true communion with Jesus looked like a heart poured out completely–a total unraveling? Not because I don’t trust him, but because I do.

God, I come to you with my hands open, ready to receive you. I wait for you, and I quiet my mind and my heart. You are good, and I trust you. I know that I am yours and you love me. Because I submit to you and love you, I bring you my whole self  and my whole life. Meet me right here where I struggle. Thank you for your transformative power. Amen.

Tracey Kelly is passionate about making beautiful things and cultivating  community. She loves Jesus, Saturdays, and coffee. Her hope is to engage those far from God as well as come alongside those who are following him too. You can find more of Tracey’s writing at or follow her on Instagram @traceyjoneskelly.

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