Will God answer your prayers?

Will God answer your prayers?

Sometimes, it doesn’t feel like it. Actually, a lot of the time it doesn’t feel like it, right? Because we keep asking about the same things, and it seems like nothing changes.

That’s a clue. Not that God isn’t listening, but that I’m not listening.

Usually, in those situations, I haven’t been reading the Bible enough. I haven’t been worshipping enough. I haven’t been responsive to Jesus’ calling enough. My prayers come from a narrow perspective, where I think I know what God should do. I can only see one suitable answer.

I’m looking for a genie instead of God. But God knows better. He always has my best interest in mind. He takes the long look and plans for our futures. He is not motivated by fear, like we are. 

To quote from my book Soulspeak: Praying Change into Unexpected Places: 

“You can’t ask God for too much. God wants to answer your requests.” (98)


God’s nature is to give. He gave us the world. He gave us life. He gave us Jesus. He gave us family, careers, homes, friends, church. He is not hesitant to give us good things. That’s who God is.

“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you more valuable to him than they?” (Matthew 6:25-34)

Why wouldn’t God answer our requests?

So here’s a prayer about that.

Oh, Lord,

Help my unbelief, my fear that you don’t want to bless me,

that life will keep getting hard,

that everyone else will prosper,

that you’ve forgotten about me

or don’t love me.

It’s not true.

You love me with unmatchable love.

You said, “Ask, and it will be given to you…

for everyone who asks receives.” (Matthew 6:7-11)

You said you’ll give us “the desires of our hearts” (Psalm 37:4)

Lord, grow my delight in you.

I want to sit with you and soak in your beauty and power.

I want to be overwhelmed by your presence.

Then I will know what to ask for,

and I will know that you are giving me all that I need and want.

I trust you, Lord.

You will grant my requests according to your love and wisdom. (Psalm 20:5)

In Jesus’ name,


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