Why am I afraid?

Dear Lord,

Why am I afraid of the things I can’t control, when You are all-powerful?
Why am I afraid of failure, when You’ve promised give me a future?
Why am I afraid to defend the truth–when You have called Yourself the Way, the Truth, and the Life?
Why am I afraid I won’t be happy submitting to Your will, when lasting joy can only be found in You?
Why am I afraid to share the gospel, when You are the only answer to life’s problems?
Why am I afraid to truly worship You, when I know that no other pursuit will satisfy me?
Why am I afraid to forgive others, when You let me live in Your grace and forgiveness?

Why do You even put up with me?

It makes no sense. But You are patience and mercy and love. Thank you!
Thank You for power, purpose, joy, salvation, intimacy, forgiveness, and grace. You amaze me!

I love You!! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Psalm 56:11–“In God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?”

image by Piotr Wojtkowski

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