What has satan robbed you of (and a prayer to get it back)

The devil is a thief, and he is robbing you of something that God intends to use for a great purpose. What has satan robbed you of? Do you want it back?

Mark 9 tells the story of a man who comes to Jesus because his child is demon-possessed. He says,

“Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not.”

What are you unable to overcome? Has the devil robbed you of any of these gifts:

  • courage to do something hard
  • confidence to make decisions
  • empathy for people you don’t understand
  • boldness to speak truth
  • willingness to share yourself with the body of Christ
  • faith to follow God’s word over cultural norms
  • compassion for the needy
  • trust that God is working in someone’s life
  • conviction to share the gospel
  • peace that God is caring for you
  • humility to admit when you’ve sinned
  • grace toward those who hurt you
These are important gifts from God. They are outpourings of his character–his creativity, his love, and his Spirit. They are not merely end goals in a self-help book.
Notice how Jesus answered the father’s plea. “How long has he been like this?”
Why did he ask that? He knew. But he was empathizing with the father–and perhaps setting the stage for his disciples to understand what power was available to them if they asked for it.
The father said, “From childhood… But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”
“If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes….You deaf and mute spirit…I command you, come out of him and never enter him again.”
The spirit shrieked, convulsed violently and came out.
When Jesus and the disciples were alone, they asked why they could not cast it out. Jesus explained, “This kind can come out only by prayer.
But it can come out. You can be delivered from anything that steals your joy, your purpose, and your image in Christ. 

Whatever has been robbed from you can be returned in the power of Jesus.

Fast. Pray. Command. Believe.

Oh Lord Jesus,
I praise you for your power and your glory.
Thank you for coming to earth as a human so you could understand our suffering and empathize with our frail condition.
I ask you for take back whatever the devil has stolen from me.
Restore to me ______________________________,
which I have allowed the devil to take from me.
I believe you have the power to restore and redeem all things.
Lord, restore this gift to me, and I will honor and glorify your name with it.
I trust you with my life and with my pain.
I will not hide any longer.
I will be your ambassador, completing the calling you’ve given me until you call me home.
Whatever you restore, I’ll dedicate to you.
You, alone, are my lord and my compass in this life.
I worship you and love you.
I pray your power over ____________________ in Jesus’ name.
Transform me into your image.
In Jesus’ name,

Zach Williams: “Fear is a Liar”

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