Thank you for the hard things

It’s Thanksgiving week!

Dear Lord Provider,

Remind me of something each day with week to thank you for,
and not just the normal things, like family, friends, food, and health.
Thank you for the hard things.

I want to be thankful for my failures because you are doing something even greater in me than I can anticipate.
I want to be thankful for my time–may I use it to worship you rather than worship the things I want or the attention I crave. And may I not stress about the time I don’t have.
I want to be thankful for the waiting–this state I keep finding myself in, when I believe you are working but I can’t see what you’re doing.
I even want to be thankful for times of pain because you use my pain to showcase your love; you heal my pain because you love me.

Thankfulness reminds me of who I am and what you do for me.
It reminds me to praise you for you who are.

You are grace, mercy, love, hope.
You are my past, my present, and my future,
my All-in-All.

Thank you!

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