Spiritual warfare over the rebellious child

Sometimes, we notice our children slipping away from active faith.
Or we notice stagnant lives, and we stress about them taking a spiritual nose-dive.
Or perhaps they are actively pursuing God, yet we worry about outside influences.
And then there are those frightening times when they just don’t care about God at all;
perhaps they are making dangerous and sinful choices.
And we can’t stop it.


Here’s a prayer of spiritual warfare to pray over your wayward child:

Dear Father in Heaven,

You understand a parent’s heart. You know that even though I trust You, it’s so hard to leave my child completely in Your hands. I’m worried, even angry about the evil influences that push against ________. Please place Your hands around _________ and guide him/her into Your presence. Give him/her a thirst for You and a dissatisfaction for the pleasures of this world. Place people in _________’s path to influence and encourage him/her toward the heart of God. I ask for the Holy Spirit to convict, persuade, and strengthen __________. In Jesus’ name, I pray the Holy Spirit’s power over the enemy and his forces of evil that daily assault my child. I pray against the enemy’s deceitful promises; I pray against the pleasure of evil–may sin taste bitter to my child. Lord, let his/her harmful friends and dangerous actions frighten __________; lead __________ to run toward You for protection, power, and purpose. Help __________ to find his/her identity in You alone, and not in the lies of the enemy of Christ. I claim victory in my child’s life because of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and His powerful resurrection! In Jesus’ holy and mighty name, I pray for __________ to return to blessings of a life lived wholly for God. May ________ walk worthy of Your calling, may __________ please You. May __________ conform no longer to the world but be transformed in his/her mind. Lead him/her into your good and perfect will. I give him/her into Your hands to transform him/her through Your power. 

In Jesus’ precious name,

(Read Romans 12, Colossians 1, and Ephesians 6 for more)

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    The Conversation

  1. Unknown says:

    Will be praying this over my 15 year old daughter she has become very rebellious and pernicious over the last 2yrs running away and hanging with the wrong crowd. Continue to cover my husband and i.

  2. Unknown says:

    Good day and thank for this prayer. I am adopting it and will pray ๐Ÿ™ right through the day. My daughter is in trouble. Thank you โ˜บ๏ธ once again.

  3. Amy Thum says:

    Please pray for my daughter Natalie, 14 addicted games and comics. no heart desires no focus on her studying. God bless you

  4. Unknown says:

    Thanks for this prayer. Was so overwhelmed by the things my second son is involved in and just stumbled across this prayer. Please pray alongside with me.

  5. Unknown says:

    Please pray for me and my daughter Elizabeth. Shes 14 and starting to get in a dark place please and thank you.

  6. Praise Jesus. Thanks for writing.

  7. What a blessing you are! You are changing a generation. Just be Jesus to your kids and grandkids. God will give you strength. Praying for you and your husband! Blessings.

  8. I am so sorry for your grief and worry. I will pray for you, Trish, and for your son. God can transform anything. Don't give up! Blessings.

  9. Trish71 says:

    Thankyou my son is oblivious to what is going on around him his mind is intoxicated with drugs and has been since he was 14 years old. I will pray this prayer over him day and night now. God bless you

  10. Unknown says:

    This prayer is perfect, thank you very much. It has everything I need to pray for my teen son.

  11. Kimber W says:

    I love this prayer… My husband found it. I'm praying for the two grandchildren I'm raising for their wayward parents, and their effects on the grandkids I'm raising. Actually I'm praying for all of our all children and grandchildren. I'm having a lot of trouble with my granddaughter, who lives with us, being rebellious and breaking the rules quite often lately. It has just started about a month ago. This came at a very good time.

  12. Unknown says:

    Thank you so much for this prayer! It's so helpful when you're so worried about your child you can't get your words right. Blessings