Spiritual warfare over the rebellious child

Sometimes, we notice our children slipping away from active faith.
Or we notice stagnant lives, and we stress about them taking a spiritual nose-dive.
Or perhaps they are actively pursuing God, yet we worry about outside influences.
And then there are those frightening times when they just don’t care about God at all;
perhaps they are making dangerous and sinful choices.
And we can’t stop it.


Here’s a prayer of spiritual warfare to pray over your wayward child:

Dear Father in Heaven,

You understand a parent’s heart. You know that even though I trust You, it’s so hard to leave my child completely in Your hands. I’m worried, even angry about the evil influences that push against ________. Please place Your hands around _________ and guide him/her into Your presence. Give him/her a thirst for You and a dissatisfaction for the pleasures of this world. Place people in _________’s path to influence and encourage him/her toward the heart of God. I ask for the Holy Spirit to convict, persuade, and strengthen __________. In Jesus’ name, I pray the Holy Spirit’s power over the enemy and his forces of evil that daily assault my child. I pray against the enemy’s deceitful promises; I pray against the pleasure of evil–may sin taste bitter to my child. Lord, let his/her harmful friends and dangerous actions frighten __________; lead __________ to run toward You for protection, power, and purpose. Help __________ to find his/her identity in You alone, and not in the lies of the enemy of Christ. I claim victory in my child’s life because of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and His powerful resurrection! In Jesus’ holy and mighty name, I pray for __________ to return to blessings of a life lived wholly for God. May ________ walk worthy of Your calling, may __________ please You. May __________ conform no longer to the world but be transformed in his/her mind. Lead him/her into your good and perfect will. I give him/her into Your hands to transform him/her through Your power. 

In Jesus’ precious name,

(Read Romans 12, Colossians 1, and Ephesians 6 for more)

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