Prayer over my marriage



Lord God,

I want a good marriage that edifies you

and models your love to the world.

So, Lord, convict me to make my marriage about representing you,

not about trying to make myself happy

or get my spouse to live up to my standards.

Remind me to be patient and be kind,

even when my spouse isn’t.

Convict me when I think or say hurtful things to my spouse.

Prompt me to apologize immediately,

instead of making excuses or blaming my spouse for our problems.

Fashion me into the Bride of Christ,

helping me function like the Church should respond to you, the Bridegroom:

Make me loving, forgiving, encouraging, hopeful, and committed forever.

Help me fulfill this list of intentions:

I will assume the best of my spouse when I’m not sure what he/she meant.

I will wait to react when something hits me wrong.

I will pray for my spouse every day–

not to be more like I want, but to be more like Christ.

I will confess my selfishness to my spouse and to God.

I will ask questions without judgment

and answer questions without defensiveness.

I will not yell, belittle, manipulate, or ignore.

I will lovingly and eagerly help when asked.

I will not bring up past offenses because that’s not what forgiveness means.

I will remember how you treat me,

how you forgive me,

how you include me,

how you enjoy me,

and I will try to be that way to my spouse.

I can’t control what my spouse does.

I can’t be the Holy Spirit.

But I can be like Jesus every day.

I can radiate the love of God.

And that love is unending, without perimeters,

accessible every day, with every new conversation.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for loving me.

I will pursue being You in my marriage.

In Jesus’ name,



“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” (Romans 12:9-11)


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