Prayer for waiting

I’m in a surgery waiting room for the next 4 hours until my son’s procedure is finished.
This reminds me how hard it is to wait, to not control the outcome of something.
Waiting is life, isn’t it?
We’re aways waiting for things we want and waiting for things we don’t want to be resolved.
Waiting for them to be over.

Here’s a prayer for those long hours you spend waiting and waiting and waiting for something to happen…
or something to stop happening:

Oh, Lord,

I wait on you like I wait for the morning after a long night.
I wait on you like a mother anticipating her baby’s birth.
I wait on you like a patient awaiting a diagnosis.
I wait on you like a soldier who needs reinforcements.
I wait on you like newlyweds on their first week apart.

You have everything I need and everything I want.

Help me to be patient while I wait.
Help me to be faith-filled while I wait.
Transform me into your image because I believe that you will meet my needs,
but my heart often fails me,
and I feel anxiety.
I don’t always feel you with me,
even though I know you are always present, working on my behalf.

I thank you for resolving this issue that’s making me wait.
You are already working all things together for good (Rom. 8:28).
I believe that.
It’s your nature to care for me and love me,
because you want what’s best for me.
You love me like a parent loves a child:
What manner of love has the Father lavished on us,
that we should be called the children of God! (1 John 3:1)

How can I not trust you?
How can I not wait patiently for you to do your work?
You are not bound by time.
Only I am.

I will wait for you, Lord.
I will be strong and take heart.
I will try to learn patience.
I will draw encouragement from your history of being good and doing good. (Psalm 27:14)

I trust you.
I love you,
My Lord and my God!
In Jesus’ powerful name,

For extra reading about waiting to see what God’s doing, read Romans 8:18-30. It’s powerful and encouraging!!

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