Prayer about grace, for grace

Oh, Lord God,

You are full of grace for me.
Help me to full of grace for other people–
not so quick to judge and condemn.
Not find it so easy to think ill of someone’s motives
and criticize why they do the things they do
or compare myself and be jealous of them.
You give me grace, and yet I am ungracious.

I want to think of myself with “sober judgment,”
in humility, honesty, and transparency.
I am flawed.
I am sinful and selfish,
and yet you call me beautiful, holy, and desired.

That’s because of your grace.
I don’t deserve your love and mercy.

Give me the eyes to see everyone the way you see them.
I want to see potential,
I want to see someone full of promise,
who maybe just needs a chance.
Someone full of gifting,
who needs an encourager, not a competitor.

Maybe they need someone to listen,
someone to love,
someone to affirm their value.
Someone who will point out what they’re doing well
instead of what they’re doing poorly.

My gifts are according to your grace,
and so are everyone else’s.
May I be faithful to the gifting!
May I honor you instead of honoring myself
or expecting other people to honor me.

How backwards I get this.
All because I’m proud, entitled, anxious, and insecure.
All because I keep believing the lie that what I do or what people think of me
someone dictates who I am.

I am yours.
I am a reflection of you.
I am your messenger and your mouthpiece.
I am your living legacy.

You overwhelm me.

In the gracious name of Jesus,

Romans 12:3-8

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