Pray Psalm 1 over Your Husband

Dear Lord, the Husband of my soul,

You have blessed me with a husband here on earth.

I ask you to pour out your blessing on him because you are good,
not because he or I deserve your blessing.
Guide his feet down the path of righteousness,
Guard his ears from acknowledging worldly advice or accepting godless counsel.
Keep him from forming friendships with people who mock truth and stymie mission.

Give him joy in your presence.
May he delight in you and in your truth!
Help him to crave your Word,
to read and reflect on the truth you reveal to him.
Give him the wisdom to hear your voice and the courage to obey your commands.

Nourish his soul so he grows like a tree
with deep roots of solid faith
and branches heavy with spiritual fruit.
In your power, help him impact souls and change lives.
Help him to stay strong in you–not to grow weary or discouraged,
not to break under the stress of this world.
Give him prosperity in the kingdom of God
and help him remember that is the only place true success exists.

Protect him from superficiality,
from hypocrisy,
from becoming ineffective or powerless in your work.

May he stand strong under fire;
may he submit to conviction;
may he shine bright in a dark world!

You are watching over him.
You are guiding him in your will and in your mission.
He will not waste his life, as the wicked do.

Thank you, Lord.
He is yours, and I worship you.


Prayer modeled after Psalm 1

image by Kevin Phillips

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