Praise and Comfort

A Paraphrase of Psalm 66

Almighty God,

The whole world will shout with joy to You and testify of You,
telling everyone about the amazing things You’ve done for mankind.
We worship You! How awesome are Your dealings with us!
Your enemies cower under Your majesty.
They cannot hide from Your power.

Take notice of God’s care:
He miraculously interferes in the natural causes of the earth and rescues us, miraculously.
He controls and oversees mankind, even while evil men rule the earth.
They will not win over Him.
Everyone, praise the Lord! Tell others of His powerful deeds!

He keeps us from demolishing our own lives, if we let Him.
He challenges our faith by leading us through difficult circumstances.
He allows us to be tested, persecuted, and oppressed.
Yet He endures affliction with us and brings us out into a sunny place.

Then we worship Him,
because we see Him for who He is:
great, powerful, loving, and just,
a God who can be trusted.

Everyone, come and listen to my testimony:
I have endured a desolate place of sadness,
yet I see God everywhere.
When I feel hopeless, I hope in Him.
When I feel lonely, I lean on Him.
When I am anxious, I rest in Him.

God alone, who created the heavens and the earth
somehow has time for me.
I will pray, even if I haven’t prayed for awhile.
I will sing, even though I don’t feel like it.
I will worship because I cannot enter His presence and not.

Praise the Lord, who hears my prayers,
who does not hold my humanity against me.
If I cover up my sin, He won’t listen,
but if I uncover the secret places of my heart,
He will come and and rest and fellowship with me.

I am overwhelmed by Your love, O Lord!


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