New Year’s Prayer

Dear Lord God,

Forgive me for my selfishness this year, for my pre-occupation with myself. Thank you for your patience and love in redirecting my heart towards you. 
Your generosity astounds me. You have given me another year to praise you–another year to enjoy my family and my health–another year to serve you. 
Thank you for your long-suffering spirit, because I know I have not served well. 
Thank you for my family and friends–I am blessed beyond measure. 
Please give me perspective to see the work you have for me this coming year and the courage to do it. Give me the humility to ask for help and the faith to believe that you can use me. 
Open my eyes to see where you are working so I may join you and broaden my influence so others can find you through me. 
Stir in me a spiritual awakening so that I will know you on a deeper level than I ever have before. 
Protect and empower me through the work of the Holy Spirit. I am yours. 
I love you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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