Lord, protect my soul

Today I started teaching a poetry unit to my 9th and 10th grade students. As part of my argument that they do, in fact, read or listen to poetry every day, I played a song for them. I’ll play a new one each day of the unit, and they will read along and identify the literary devices present in the song. They will analyze  literature and hopefully analyze themselves. 

And they will tap their feet and sing along quietly.

Here is the first song. And here is my prayer to go with it. 

Lord God,

How easy it is to lose my soul to this world!
I scare myself when I realize how easily I am duped,
how easily I am distracted,
how easily I am deceived into thinking something here can actually satisfy me.

This world can offer me nothing,
but I obsess over success and happiness like they can.

Holy Spirit,
protect my soul.
Guard my heart.
Strengthen my will.
Remind my mind
that you are everything,
and this world can offer me nothing.

Lord Jesus,
thank you for saving me,
calling me,
and leading me.

I don’t want to lose my soul to anyone but you.
So I will trust you with it.


Proverbs 4:23–Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

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