Intercession for the Grieving

Lord of Heaven, the Great Comforter,

You, above all others, understand grief. You have experienced the anguish of being separated from the ones You love.

So I pray confidently to ask for peace and comfort for my friends, who are grieving the loss of their father and husband. No matter how long someone lives, it is never long enough for those who love him.

Saturate this family and friends with joy at his home-going and calm over the empty space in their hearts. Help them remember everything about his life and his love with thankfulness and happiness. Although they grieve, give them a grief that’s overshadowed by praise of a life well-lived and a hope of eternal glory. Surround them with old friends and give them the blessing of hearing how he has impacted the world for Christ.

And during the quiet moments and the darkness of night, send your Spirit to sit with them, hold them, and speak truth into their aching hearts.

In Jesus’ loving name, Amen.

“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.” (1 Thessalonians 4:13)

image by Pennie Gibson

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