I want to be an encourager



Lord Jesus,

I want to be a better encourager.

Use me to build up the spiritual gifts in someone else.

Mold me into a servant,

an encourager,

a prophet,

a prayer warrior,

a friend of the friendless.

Lord, please forgive me for not choosing compassion and grace,

for not reaching out,

for not loving others because I didn’t feel loved.

Lord, I want to see the world like you see it,

to include everyone and love everyone like you did.

I want to become an intercessor.

I want to build others up instead of hoping they will build me up.

I want your blessing on me–

not to make my life easier or better–

but to be an avenue for your blessing on everyone around me.

May people see you whenever they see me

and because your blessing is rich and deep and powerful,

I pray that the people I touch find new relationship and belonging in you.

Help me belong in you.

Only you satisfy my soul.

Speak truth and grace into my life so I remember that.

In Jesus’ name,



“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong–that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” (Romans 1:11)


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