How you re-create spring and me: A prayer of thanks and wonder

Dear God Creator,

Wow! It’s spring, and I’m startled by the beauty you’ve created.
How could anyone invent such varied and delicate blossoms
or paint such a canvas as Virginia in the spring?
White, pink, fuchsia, purple, yellow, periwinkle, green–
the colors of flowering trees and plants
blend together in shocking splendor.

You did this because you love me
and you can’t help but create, again and again.

You’re doing it in me every day,
re-creating something that was dormant during the winters of my life,
something I’ve given up on and decided I can’t change.
I’ve decided that some part of me will never improve.
That this is just the way I am.

Yet the Spirit of God in me says,
You were created for something more.
You are splendid.
I am making you new, always pruning, always nurturing,
always alive and hopeful,
like spring.
You are being re-born.
This is what I do.

I create.
I make all things new.

Thank you.
I worship you for who you are and what you can create.


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