How to pray for revenge (I mean vengeance and justice)

Onmipotent God,

I’m asking you to make things better–a little fairer–
Not for myself,
but for some people I care about.
In my flesh, I want revenge.
In my spirit, I want your righteousness.

People I love got a bum deal,
an unlucky break.
A gross injustice.
They’ve been sinned against.

I guess you know what that feels like.

I know life’s not fair.
I know we are called to suffer for the kingdom.
But I also know you are a God of justice
and you will produce justice and righteousness
in the world
because that’s what you always do.
It’s how you reveal yourself to all of us–
a God of power, authority, holiness, and love.
You make things right.
Then you bring joy and peace.

Proverbs 21:15 “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous
 but terror to evildoers.”

You are also a God of vengeance.
So when someone hurts, offends, or traumatizes
people I love–
people you love who are following you–
I don’t mind asking for a little vindication and vengeance.

Romans 12:19  “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”

You said you’d take care of it.
I hope that doesn’t make me terrible
that I want them to get back what they keep dishing out.
Is that my sinful nature
or how you made me?
I want justice, fairness, and equity.

But if I got justice, fairness, and equity for the things I do,
I guess I wouldn’t be so incredibly blessed.
I’d have no peace, no future in your presence.

Lord, forgive me for any malice and hatred in my heart.
I want your righteous anger, not my own.
I want your blessing on the just and the unjust.

I want your will for myself and the people I care about.
Often, love travels a long, hard journey
before justice wins.
Give me patience, faith, and courage to wait on you.
Broaden my perspective, my humility, and my meekness.
Bless those who have been wronged.

I suppose all of that is a kind of justice and vengeance.
You are in the process of changing me
and changing everyone else.
You draw them to yourself,
one by one,
from wherever they are sinning.

Justice wins in the end.
You always win.
I praise you, Lord.
And I’m so grateful you aren’t like me!

In Jesus’ righteous name,

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    The Conversation

  1. Unknown says:

    Thanks so much for this prayer. I wanted badly to take things into my hands for the injustice mated on me and my children. After reading this prayer,im relieved and ready to leave everything at the foot of the cross

  2. This is powerful please ma pray for me for vangance for the death of my father . because the wicked should not go unpunished and his word say suffer not a witch to live I cry for vangance on my father's death

  3. Unknown says:

    I really want to pray bad things on the person who hurt me but after reading your prayer I'm praying for my enemy

  4. Really good question. Equity is equal opportunity–everyone gets a shot. Equality is sameness. In an economic or social paradigm, it can easily become socialism or communism–everyone must have exactly the same thing. This isn't possible because everyone is unique and different. Equity embraces diversity, while equality equates diversity with prejudice. This may or may not be the case.

  5. Thanks for commenting. Blessings.

  6. Great question. Equity means fairness and opportunities for everyone. Equality means everything is equal or the same. That's not possible. We can't provide equality for everyone, and God doesn't provide that on this earth. That was destroyed in the Fall in Genesis. Equality will only happen in heaven. But in the meantime, we can pursue justice and respect for all people. What they do with their opportunities/hardships is out of our control. Hope that helps. Blessings!

  7. RitaK says:

    Why do you pray for equity instead of equality? I don’t get it.

  8. Nicole says:

    I was really struggling with a situation and knew I needed prayer. This was so perfect and I plan to pray it until I find peace and forgiveness in the situation. Thank you for being a tool for God.

  9. I really wanted to see such an article
    Which can improve our ability to think and understand.
    I'm glad to have a brief comment on your article.
    revenge and lord

  10. Thank you so much for commenting. I pray for the power and protection of God over your family. May he fill you with righteousness, forgiveness, grace, and perspective. We trust what he's doing. We praise him. Amen.

  11. Praise God for this prayer, right on time for me and my family. Thank You