How to intercede and confess for your children

*Praying Parent Tip:

Click on the links below to find 20 additional prayers for parents to pray over their children.

The Challenge:

We can do more than pray for our children to have a good day or pray God’s protection over them.

We can pray for them to feel conviction.

We can confess their sins.

We can cover them with blessing.

We can give grace for their failures and trust God with their futures.

We can offer them up as living sacrifices every day

because they belong to God,

and we are parents merely to steward their souls

and disciple them in Christ.

We must stand in the gap for them,

to raise them up in the Word,

to lead them to Jesus,

to model faith.,

to pray for their growth.

This is Christian parenting.

The Example:

Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, ‘Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.’ This was Job’s regular custom.” (Job1:5-6)

The Prayer:

Lord God,

You are a Father like none other.

You show compassion and grace to us.

I pray for your Spirit to surround my children.









and motivate them.

I pray that nothing will satisfy their souls but you.

I pray for them to seek your face and open their hearts to your prompting.

Remove any idols from their lives.

Reveal yourself to them today.

Inspire them to service,

to mission,

to integrity,

to love and patience.

Stand them on my shoulders, 

to know you more,

love you more,

and to serve you better.

I confess their sins and rebellion to you–

their selfishness and pride,

their materialism and insecurity,

their faithlessness and fear.

Wipe it all clean and replace it with your Holy Spirit.

Bring Scripture to their minds.

Send ambassadors of your truth across their paths.

Lead them to spouses who love and honor you first.

Give them ears to hear your words.

Thank you for the privilege of  spiritual parenting.

In Jesus’ name,


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