Counting my blessings

Dear Lord,

Thank you for all the beautiful, ordinary blessings that are not so ordinary.
Thank you for my home (which has issues),
my vehicles (even when they don’t work),
my food (even when I complain about cooking),
my family (even though I take them for granted).

I am so blessed.

Thank you for my country (even though it angers me),
my freedoms (even though I complain about not having more),
my work (even though I want more and want to be more).

You have blessed me beyond measure.

My world is gorgeous, and I live in it.
My home is loving, and I live in it.
My dreams are attainable, and I live them.

Why do I forget how blessed I am?

To whom much is given, much is required.

Everything I have is yours,
and it’s all extra.

Lord, teach me to number my blessings, as well as my days.


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