Come, Holy Spirit of Christmas

Come, Holy Spirit,

Fill our hearts this Christmas. Speak to us, and help us hear you.

You called Mary and Joseph to be the earthly parents to your Son, and you told them not to be afraid, even though the calling was overwhelming. You promised them blessing and direction and hope.

You filled Mary; you planted a God-man inside of her, a miraculous conception. Then you breathed destiny over her life.

You filled Joseph with love, courage, and wisdom to protect Mary and Jesus from harm.

You allowed Elizabeth to become pregnant with John the Baptist, who would point a nation toward the Messiah they’d been waiting for. You filled her with words of praise and encouragement for Mary.

You filled Zechariah with joy, and he prophesied power and influence over his son.

You directed unlearned shepherds to leave their flocks to find a new baby in a stable. They believed that he was their Savior, and they worshipped him and spread the news throughout their sleepy village.

You led astronomers for two years to follow a star, believing ancient prophesies that the King of Kings was born to save the world. They heard your voice and rejected the commands of the local king to help him find the baby.

Holy Spirit, you are the power behind Christmas.

You caused it. You empowered it. You spoke it.

I praise you and worship you.

Thank you, Lord, for Christmas and all that it means for my life and my eternity.

You will not call me to something you will not empower me to do.

You will not speak words over me that you will not fulfill.

You will not reveal your will if I do not listen to your words.

You will not bless me if we do not obey you.

Lord, I worship you and invite your calling over me.

Come, Holy Spirit, and fill me.

In Jesus‘ name, Amen.


“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

performed by Pentatonix


image by pixabay

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