A prayer of destiny over your family

Dear God, Creator and Designer of all life–

I ask for your blessing over my family. Not success–not wealth–not even continual happiness. I beg for your perfect will to be accomplished in their lives. I pray for their destinies–for you to have the freedom to use them like you want to use them.

You created each of them with specific skills, personalities, talents, intuitions, and inhibitions. Oh, Lord, may you have the freedom to use them to their fullest potentials. Give my children and husband tender hearts to the Holy Spirit and courageous spirits in this stress-filled world. Help them look above the chaos and see your face and hear your voice.

Speak into their souls–may they make room to hear you in the quiet places of their lives–and give them the determination to respond in obedience. To step out in faith. To start objectives. To participate in mission. To stand against sin. To not blend in.

Make them bold, missional, fearless, confident in you alone. And give them friends and wives (including me) who will encourage their spirits and calm their fears. May we all be useful in your service.

I speak the name and love of Jesus over them, the One and Only, the Alpha and Omega. Be everything to them. May they never find fulfillment or satisfaction in anything but you.

In Jesus’ holy and powerful name,

image by Amy Robinson

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