A prayer for trust, peace, and mindfulness

I read this passage this morning. It’s startling and challenging, and it compelled me to pray.

Isaiah 26:3-4–“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.”

Lord God of Heaven,

I want peace from stress and anxiety.
I want direction for my energy,
creativity in my calling,
success in my life.

You call me to steadfastness:
to lean fast,
support myself,
stand firm,
my conception, imagination, purpose, mindfulness.

I cannot trust your will without becoming steadfast in what you’ve already imparted to me.

That’s how I learn to trust you.
Not by getting you to rubber-stamp what I’m doing
or what I want to do.
Trust comes from watching you be God in my life,
not by being god of my own life.

Trust is
It’s a decision I make,
not a promise You make.

I want peace in my soul, spirit, and body.
In my life
every day.

This is what you say about peace:
Perfect peace
from the Prince of Peace.

You are my Rock.
Your will is perfect.
All Your ways are just and holy.
There is no injustice in You.
You will never be shaken.

I can trust You.
I do trust You.
I love You.
Please give me the courage and strength to believe what I know is true.

In the name of Jesus, my Rock and my  Redeemer,

You can find other prayers about peace and trust at the following links:
“Praying peace into my stormy life”
“Praying peace and destiny over your spouse”
“Praying to trust God”

NOTE: Hyperlinks in Isaiah 26:3-4 above will direct you to The Blue Letter Bible, a terrific source for finding out the real meanings of the words in Scripture. The links in the prayer will direct you to other Scripture that supports and explains the word being linked.

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