Hope and Healing for a Stronger You

Death by Pastoring Study Guide Finding the Heartbeat of a Healthy Leader

This is the essential companion to the book that addresses the alarming statistic that over 42% of pastors contemplate leaving the ministry. Dive deeper into transformative insights and practical strategies to overcome the overwhelming stress that plagues pastoral life. This guide goes beyond the book, offering valuable tools and resources to empower pastors and ministry leaders to thrive in their calling.

Full Description

This is the essential companion to the book that addresses the alarming statistic that over 42% of pastors contemplate leaving the ministry. Dive deeper into transformative insights and practical strategies to overcome the overwhelming stress that plagues pastoral life. This guide goes beyond the book, offering valuable tools and resources to empower pastors and ministry leaders to thrive in their calling. Key features of the book include: In-depth exploration, personal reflection, practical application, and resourceful toolkit.

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