A Prayer for a souls

Oh, Lord of the harvest,

The world needs your love.
They need to know you personally.
They need to be saved from their sins.

So I’m praying for you to
send workers into the world
who will tell people about your great love
and Jesus’ death to save everyone.

I am praying that you will also send me,
and that I’ll actually go,
to my neighbor, to other countries,

I want to give you my time,
my talents,
my money,
my family,
no matter how uncomfortable that makes me.

Harvest my soul.
Bring a harvest though me.
Change the world.


Then he said to his disciples, β€œThe harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. (Matthew 9:37-38)

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